I’m probably going to enjoy this interview more than I should.
This young lady has to be one of my favorites in the office because of how happy she always is!
She’s such a positive person, and I decided to feature her on our email blast for National Administrative Professionals Day because she recently earned Employee of the Month!
Woo woo!!!
She definitely deserved it.
She’s only 20 years young. One of our youngest employees in the building, but understands the industry really well.
Rayo is always eager to learn and loves asking questions about new product releases.
The customer always comes first, and I’m sure it’s a delight for anyone who speaks with her.
Last year we featured our Social Media Marketing Lead, Megan Scott, on National Administrative Professionals Day and I wanted to make sure Rayo got the same spotlight interview!
During this busy season, it’s really difficult to find some time with anyone in our order processing team, but I managed to get Rayo away from her desk.
And here it goes:
Tanya: Okay, Hi Rayo! I’m so glad I get to interview you! You were recently the employee of the month! Congrats on that, I’m so happy for you! Yay!!! Enough chit-chat from me though, introduce yourself to our readers, can you tell us what you do here at AnyPromo?
Rayo: Hi Tanya! Thank you! I’m so honored to be interviewed!!! I am considered order entry so once a customer places an order, I’m the first person to touch it. Once we get the order, we have to check the customer notes to see if they may want an assortment of colors or other special requests and then after that, I have to check if the shipping address is a real address, because we do deal with fraud. From there, I have to check their artwork to make sure it doesn’t include any profanity, vulgar phrases, illegal decorations. Once that is completed, I check if the company is a validated company, then from there is the easy part where I check the stock and double check if we can meet the customer’s delivery date. We answer any questions or concerns if the customer states it in the notes section of their order.
T: Seems like a lot of things to go through for one order. Especially during our busy season, I could only imagine! But what keeps you going at work? What’s your favorite thing about working here at AnyPromo?
R: I like the people. I’m a huge people person, and there’s a lot of nice and fun people here to talk to! It’s nice to come in the mornings and see smiles rather than depressed people. There are many different personalities that you can learn from as well and that’s pretty awesome. I really like the events that we all do together too! We do Spirit week and bowling events, those are a few of the fun things we recently did! I’m bad at bowling, but it’s always fun!
T: Touché my friend! Speaking of cool things, what are some cool or fun swag items you’ve received from AnyPromo? I’m sure we all have our favorites, right?
R: Oh yea! (Giggling) I’m sort of a germaphobe, so I’m going to have to say hand sanitizers. I love all hand sanitizers. They keep your hands clean at all times, plus you can use hand sanitizers for other purposes too like cleaning up makeup brushes. BUT! You’re going to love this one…ready? Hand sanitizers are also great for cleaning those small stains on clothing! It’s the perfect detergent on-the-go!
T: No way? I’ve never tried using hand sanitizer as a stain cleaner, but I’m going to try it next time! Look at you teaching me new stuff during this interview.
R: (Laughing) It’s what I do! But I also like screen cleaners, those are very useful for glasses, phones, and computers. I’m not sure which one is the exact one I have, but I’ll send it your way to share with everyone.
T: (Laughing) Okay I’m sure out of the many screen cleaners we have available, you’ll be able to differentiate the exact one. By the way, I also know you got an actual grill set the other day. I was so close to getting that, but of course, I was late to the game. Have you tried grilling anything on it yet?
R: (Laughing) Well, it was actually for my dad. I’m not sure yet if he’s tried it, but I know when I gave it to him, he was really happy with a smile on his face. He was like “Woooooooo I know what I’m doing this summer!” It’s a cool item that I saw and just instantly thought of my dad.
T: Aww that’s so sweet of you to think of your dad. I’m awarding you “Daughter of the year!” Okay, so just a few more questions. We’ve talked about some of the fun items you’ve received, but what about product recommendations to customers? What’s one or two items you recommend to them since you get to see most of the orders passing through?
R: Well I’m currently seeing a lot of orders for lanyards, but I only think it’s because the school year is ending that many school districts are already looking ahead to the new school year. I would personally say the pens though, they are extremely important. No matter how many you have, you’ll always need more! Either the ink runs out or you lose it. There have been many times when I don’t remember where I’ve placed my pen. Oh! And the national calendars we have! Those are really good to give away. It’s also good real estate for your company in someone else’s office. I always look forward to something planned on that calendar. I’m currently looking forward to National Butterscotch Brownie Day. It just has all my cravings, and when I find out my favorite foods have actual national days it’s just more fun. Oh and also, finding out certain locations have deals and specials on those specific foods. It’s so convenient and fun! Without the national calendar, I would’ve never known!
T: Yea, I always rely on the national calendar too for a few of our email campaigns. I just love how convenient it can be in so many ways! Okay, so before I let you go though, give us a quick inspirational quote!
R: (Giggling) What? Okay, I would have to say the quote I have tattooed on my leg which says “Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.”
T: Aww, that’s so cute! I love it!!! I’m totally going to remember that quote now.
R: It’s from Winnie the Pooh!
T: I love Winnie the Pooh, especially Piglett! My favorite! Well, thank you Rayo for giving me some time out of your busy day!
R: Thank you for choosing to interview me (clapping happily)!
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