AnyPromo Instills A Love Of
Learning At Step-Up Preschool

Our company values maintaining a life-long student mentality.

One of our company's core values is maintaining a life-long student mentality. We strive to see things from an unbiased perspective and let go of the tendency to think we know everything. That's easier said than done, ego and lived experience can get the better of us. Often, we prematurely shoot down the growth opportunities around us when we are not actively in a student mindset. One area we have been trying to explore is helping out in the community with our specialty.

We visited a special needs class to see how they make learning fun.

When we had the opportunity to connect with a special needs preschool, we were not sure how much we could impact this group. But, we didn’t want to dismiss the chance to make new connections and learn about this local special needs program. We were connected with Mrs. Tetsubayashi (referred to as Mrs. T by her students), the special education preschool teacher at Sycamore Elementary School. This led into a conversation about how early special needs education operates and what type of items are helpful learning aids. One thing we know was that her students loved science experiments. She told us about how these experiments generated excitement around learning. Many times, she said her students would want to recreate the activity at home with their parents. We really connected with this. The student mentality of loving the learning process is a life-long value that enriches lives, makes companies a better place to work and individuals better team members. With our new understanding of special education preschool needs, we came up with a great kit for Mrs.T’s students.

a special needs preschool

The stadium mood cups & color changing pencils were a hit.

We filled custom drawstring bags with temperature-color-changing mood cups, rulers, pencils, straws, and erasers. These items might not generate much attention from us in the office but Mrs. T was able to set up fun demonstrations for her students using these items. She developed a fun guessing game and asked students what color they thought the cups would change into with cold water. With the color-changing rulers and pencils, Mrs.T has students trace out their names and work on their fine motor skills. Drawing and painting were also among her student’s favorite activities. These are some of the most engaging ways for them to practice critical skills. Although these were simple materials, we could see the impact through the student’s excited expressions. It was rewarding to see the genuine awe on the face of these young students.

Back in the office, this experience helped us reassess the way we saw the impact we could make by reaching out. Helping a classroom was something we hadn’t done in the past because we didn’t know how much teachers like Mrs. T relied on outside support. The allotted budget from the school is small. Most of the materials teachers use are coming out of their pockets or from parents who can provide donations. Our donation helped lower their costs and provide the students with unique and fun learning tools.

looks forward to reconnecting with the community via promotional products

We are looking forward to connecting with other local school programs. This initiative helped us connect with our student mentality value and support it in the real world by helping local students develop this skill in their classroom. This video encapsulates our experience. We hope to inspire other companies to continue learning to live their values in their work and with their greater community.

reconnecting with the community
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